In a rather bizarre incident, the Delhi Police have arrested a 40-year-old man for killing an owl, in what appears to be a black magic ritual.
The accused, Kanhaya, a truck driver from Delhi's Sultanpuri was arrested on Sunday after receiving a tip-off from the Animal Welfare Board of India.
According to the cops the 40-year-old accused who is married and has three children, killed the owl in voodoo exercise, to attract a woman he liked. He believed that sacrificing an owl would help him achieve that.
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Kanhaya who was initially evasive during the interrogation, however, admitted his acts. He even showed the police a YouTube video which detailed the process of sacrificing an owl.
"He said he liked a girl and he wanted that she should be attracted to him. He said he got an owl to perform the rituals he saw in the video," the senior police officer said, adding that his entire family was aware of his plan.
Kanhaya said he used the 'tantric' rituals that had to be followed while performing the voodoo ritual, which he believed that could give him the power to "hypnotise" the woman and make her attracted to him.
Post-mortem of the owl said the accused had allegedly cut its claws with a knife and inserted several needles into its liver and lungs, suggesting that he sued the owl as a voodoo.?
BCCL/ Representational Image
Initially, it was thought that Kanhaya did the sacrifice to appease the gods or pray to gods for his father who died on Diwali, but that angle has been ruled out.?
It is also unclear how the truck driver managed to get the owl. Police have dismissed his initial claim that he found it lying injured near his house.
"We are probing as to how he procured the owl, what price he paid for it, whether he has previously sacrificed animals and whether he was making a living out of it," an official said.
Owls and sand boas are among the most smuggled creatures for black magic purpose as they are believed to have magical powers. Killing them are a punishable offence under the Wildlife Protection Act.