After Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes, things came down with a cascading effect on the citizens. Though a majority of them have accepted the decision with the?hope?for a better future, the daily inconvenience of exchanging old currency for new notes has no doubt got to them.
Among those citizens are the bankers who have been working tirelessly since the announcement, making sure to smooth things out to the best of their ability. However, customers have not made it any easier for them with their incessant threats and curses flying from every direction imaginable.
Humans of Bombay
A banker shared her side of the story, explaining how things fast went from bad to worse for her and her colleagues in the past one week. She shares how the bankers have literally gone "breathless" at the sudden workload, clocking in hours and days without any moments of relief.?
"On one end there were chaiwallas, istriwallas?who are queuing up to deposit their hard earned money but on the other end we're receiving black money that had been stashed away for years possibly and all this cash smells like rotten leather to the point where every one of our branches has ordered masks for the cashiers ¡ª that¡¯s how unbearable the stench became! From fights breaking out and the police intervening to educated people storming our offices and violently asking us for money ¡ª we¡¯ve dealt with it all."
Our banks are losing money on interest and there¡¯s already enough chaos¡do we really need to add to it? We¡¯re all in the same situation, we just need to sit tight and understand that steps are being taken to aid the process ¡ª this is for the future of our country and the least we can all do at a time like this is have patience and believe that everything will stabilise soon. And for heaven¡¯s sake, stop trying to use more corrupt methods to get out of an already corrupt situation¡we don¡¯t need any more of it!¡±