Former Union minister Uma Bharti on Sunday shared a video in which she was seen hurling stones at bottles at a liquor shop in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
She then gave the district administration a week to shut it down.
Bharti, who has long been a proponent of prohibition in the state, herself tweeted a video of the incident at Barkheda Pathani locality.
In a series of tweets in Hindi, she said: ¡°It is a locality of labourers. There is a temple and a school near where the alcohol shop is located. When women come to their terraces in the evening, drunk men urinate by turning in their direction to embarrass them. Labourers spend all their earnings on alcohol. The women of this locality have already held protests to remove the shop which is illegally running here. But the district administration has failed to do so.¡±
"Today, I gave a warning to the administration to get it closed in a week," she added.
However, the incident didn't go down well with netizens who demanded action against her act of vandalism.
Last year, she had declared that she would have liquor banned in the state by January 15 or "hit the streets with a stick".
However, the Madhya Pradesh government announced a new excise policy making alcohol cheaper in the state.
The BJP has distanced itself from Bharti¡¯s action. ¡°It¡¯s her personal campaign which she has been running to prohibit liquor in the state,¡± said state spokesperson Hitesh Bajpai in a video. ¡°Besides, she is clarifying why she has done that. Her move has nothing to do with the BJP as the party is not running any such campaign against liquor.¡±
Currently, there are 2,544 country liquor and 1,061 foreign liquor shops in the state.
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