The Mangaluru Police have recovered the decomposed body of VG Siddhartha, the founder of Cafe Coffee Day chain on Wednesday morning. The body was first spotted by local fishermen around 2-3 km away from where he went missing from and informed the police.
The body was recovered by the police and has been sent to Government Wenlock Hospital, where a post-mortem will be conducted.
60-year-old was last seen alive by his driver, on Monday evening, waking on to the Ullal bridge across the Nethravathi River in Mangaluru.
A massive search operation involving over 200 personnel, including 25 swimmers were pressed into service to locate him, but to no avail.
It is believed that the entrepreneur committed suicide due to business setbacks. In his last letter to the CCD Board and employees, Sidhartha said that he had failed as an entrepreneur and apologized for his failures. In the letter, he had also alleged harassment by some top I-T officials.?
The death of Siddhartha had sent shockwaves across the country, especially among the business circles.?
Siddhartha is the son-in-law of former Karnataka Chief Minister SM Krishna.
Often called the Coffee King of India comes from a family of coffee growers who have been in the business for well over a century.?
After trying out his hand in multiple businesses, Siddhartha set up Caf¨¦ Coffee Day in 1996 and the chain grew rapidly in the next decade. With over 1550 Coffee Day Cafes across India and outlets in all airports its is the market leader in India.