In a tale of determination and passion, 20-year-old Gautam Kaulsee, known as BBoy Ginni from Haryana, has secured his place among six break dancers representing India at the prestigious BRICS Games in Russia.?
Alongside him are renowned break dancers BBoy Flying Machine (Arif Chowdhary), BBoy Tornado, BBoy Antique (Ankit Kushwaha), BBoy Shawn, and BGirl BarB.?
Scheduled for June 22 and 23, the break dance competition will see these talented individuals showcasing their skills under the guidance of coach Wasim, himself a seasoned break dancer.
Gautam's journey to this international stage began in 2017 when he stumbled upon breakdancing while observing flips at a nearby park.?
Intrigued by its dynamic movements, he delved deeper into the art form with encouragement from his friend Shivam.?
What started as a fascination soon turned into a passionate pursuit during the lockdown in 2020, where Gautam dedicated up to eight hours daily to honing his skills either at home or in the park.
Reflecting on his journey, Gautam recalls, "I had never thought of doing this competitively, but I loved performing the moves."
His dedication bore fruit in 2021 when he started winning accolades at prominent jams and competitions.?
His breakthrough came at the Red Bull BC One India Cypher 2022, where he made it to the top 16, igniting a fire within him to push his limits even further.
Looking ahead, Gautam is preparing for the final round of Red Bull India 2024 next month, underscoring his commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in his craft.
The BRICS Games, inaugurated on June 12 in Kazan, Russia, bring together athletes from BRICS countries in a celebration of sportsmanship and competition. This international multi-sport event serves as a platform for fostering camaraderie and cultural exchange among nations.
As Gautam and his team gear up to represent India on this global stage, their journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and passion in achieving dreams against all odds.
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