Pictures of an elderly woman from Kerala using laptop to read the news have delighted netizens. The 90-year-old lady identified as Mary Mathews has gone viral after her grandson Arun Thomas shared her photographs on social media platform Reddit.
Mathews was born in the 1930s, when laptops did not exist and news was consumed through newspapers and magazines. At the age of 90, she is now learning to use a laptop to read e-newspapers - a feat that has earned her much love and respect from social media users.??
Upon sharing the three pictures of her, Arun wrote "My grandmother, aged 90, learning to use the laptop to read the e-newspaper. I think her willingness to accept and adapt to change is really appreciable."? ? ?
In the pictures, Mary can be seen sitting on a chair at their home in Kerala¡¯s Thrissur district, and reading news on the device. The woman was photographed reading digital paper of a Malayalam newspaper,?Mathrubhumi.??
The post, ever since, has been widely shared on the internet with over 8,000 upvotes and hundreds of comments.?While many asked praised Mathews for learning new skills, others asked her grandson to buy a stand or keep the laptop at eye level for ease of reading.
"The picture made my day!!! Reminded me of my grandmother" wrote one Reddit user as another remarked "Hats off to her 'can do' spirit".
In the comments section, Arun explained that his grandmother still prefers physical newspapers to digital ones, but is getting used to the latter. "Apparently she doesn't like it as much as the physical paper yet. But I think she is going to pick up fast and like this one soon enough," he wrote.