By hiring 23 transgenders, Kochi Metro Rail Limited has become the country¡¯s first government agency to offer employment to transgenders.
Facebook/Krishna Anita Mishra
It has not only offered contracts to transgenders, but also to 780 women from a self-help group called Kudumbashree Mission, which ensures jobs for women and transgenders.
Facebook/Krishna Anita Mishra
Around 77 women have already begun working as cleaning staff, while other positions are finalised. Jobs on offer include housekeeping, ticketing, customer relations and gardening.
Facebook/Krishna Anita Mishra
During the selection process, preference was given to people whose land had been acquired for the metro, widows and women who are subjected to assaults during the hiring process.
Facebook/Krishna Anita Mishra
Of 23 transgenders hired, six will work at the ticket counter and others as housekeeping staff.