On Friday, Delhi Police arrested a trainee ticketing agent after he made a hoax bomb call at the SpiceJet call centre in Delhi's Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport.?
Following the call by the 24-year-old man on Thursday evening, a Pune-bound SpiceJet flight at the IGI airport was evacuated and thoroughly searched, IANS reported.?
The accused, identified as Abhinav Prakash, lives in Dwarka and was working for British Airways at DLF Qutub Plaza, Gurugram, for the last seven months.?
Abhinav reportedly made the hoax call to delay the departure of his friends' 'girlfriends' who were on board the said flight.
After his arrest, police also launched a search to arrest two other accused persons at large.?
According to Ravi Kumar Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Police (IGI), information regarding a bomb 'planted' on the flight set to depart for Pune at 9.30 pmwas received on Thursday evening.
In response, CISF personnel instantly swung into action and a meeting of all stakeholders was called, given the bomb threat was specific.?
The SpiceJet flight had 182 passengers and crew members on board, who were immediately taken to the isolation bay.
"All the passengers and their luggage were thoroughly checked by the CISF. The aircraft was also thoroughly checked, but no suspicious item or article was found. After securing the flight and ensuring the safety of all the passengers, the security personnel at the airport examined the SpiceJet officials," the officer said.?
Police then investigated the matter with the help of technical surveillance and found ownership of the number which was used for the hoax call.?The probe revealed that the number was registered under Abhinav's name and finally arrested him.?
During interrogation, Abhinav revealed that his childhood friends, Rakesh and Kunal Sehrawat, befriended two girls on a recent trip to Manali.?The girls were departing to Pune on the same SpiceJet flight.?
Abhinav's friend told him they wanted to spend some more time with the girls and prompted him to concoct a plan to delay the flight's departure from Delhi.?
Following this, all three crafted a plan of making a hoax bomb call at the call centre to get the flight cancelled.?Then, Abhinav called Spicejet officials, telling them there was a bomb on the plane.
But when the officials tried to reach him, he didn't respond to their calls.
"The accused, to boost their false bravado, also contacted the girls, who were on board the flight. They even celebrated the execution of their malevolent act," DCP Ravi Kumar said.?
"When Kunal and Rakesh came to know that Prakash has been arrested, they fled from their addresses and are presently absconding. Efforts are on to nab them," he added.
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