A group of roughly 250 women from the village of Angrotha in Madhya Pradesh took great pains to cut a hill in the last 18 months. The aim was to create a way for water to reach a pond inside the village, as per a report in ANI. The village has been facing a water shortage for some time.??
ˇ°We have been working for over 18 months to channel into the village, the water that used to freely flow in the forest and thus could not be used. So, the women in the village formed a group and it was decided to cut the hill to a length of about half kilometers and make way for the water to fall into a pond in the village,ˇ± said Babita Rajput, who is a local, while speaking to ANI.?
ˇ°We are doing this for ourself there is water shortage here. We are unable to farm and our livestock was also suffering. About 250 women dig a way for water to flow into the pond in our village. It took us about 18 months to complete this work,ˇ± said Vivitabai Adivasi, who also hails from that area.?
ˇ°For the past 18 months, the women here have decided to provide water to our village Angrotha. They have cut a hill and made a waterway. The women are also working on removing several stones that are present in the path of the water flow,ˇ± said another villager Ram Ratan Singh Rajput.?
?Just goes to show that if you want something done, it is best to do it yourself. These women have done just that. Kudos to them for getting the job done.?