Vishvaraj Singh Mewar, the new titular ruler of the erstwhile Mewar royal family, on Wednesday visited the City Palace in Udaipur and also offered prayers at the Eklingnathji temple, completing the rituals following the passing of his father and his anointment as the new patriarch. A total of five people, including Vishvaraj Singh, entered the City Palace on Wednesday evening for a ĄŽdarshanĄ¯ of the 'dhuni' (sacred fire) to complete the rituals.
With this, the unprecedented property dispute between members of the erstwhile Mewar royal family that had spilled into the streets seems to have ended for now, although the legal battle is still ongoing.
On Monday, the Udaipur City Palace, which was built in 1559 by Maharana Udai Singh, was the scene of an ugly confrontation that led to ruckus and stone-pelting. This was after Arvind Singh Mewar, the custodian of the City Palace, refused Vishvaraj Singh entry there to complete the rituals.
Arvind, the younger brother of Vishvaraj's father Mahendra, is the chairman and managing trustee of Shree Eklingji Trust, the trust that controls the City Palace.
Both Arvind and Mahendra claimed to be the 76th custodian of the House of Mewar and have been involved in a bitter legal battle.
In 2020, a court ruled that the estate shall be divided into four equal shares and allocated to Arvind, Mahendra, Yogeshwari, and the deceased Maharana.
Mahendra passed away on November 10, at the age of 83, after which his son, Vishvaraj, who is also a BJP MLA, was anointed the next titular head at a traditional function held at the Chittorgarh Fort. However, to complete the rituals, Vishvaraj had to do a ĄŽdarshanĄ¯ of the 'dhuni', to which Arvind and his family initially opposed.
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