Two days after his failed surrender attempt before the Uttar Pradesh Police, Kiran Gosavi, the prime 'Panch-Witness' of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in the October 2 cruise party raids has been arrested by the Pune Police in connection with a 2018 cheating case.
Gosavi, said to be a "private investigator" whose photos and videos with actor Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan went viral on social media after the NCB's raid on the cruise ship had been absconding after his involvement in the case came under scrutiny.
He had sneaked out of the state reportedly moving to Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and tried unsuccessfully to surrender in at least two BJP-ruled states.
In the wee hours of Thursday, Gosavi was detained by the Anti Extortion Cell (AEC) of Pune Police after he returned to Maharashtra.
The Pune Police had issued a lookout notice for Gosavi in 2019 in connection with a cheating case from 2018.
He was accused of cheating a person promising a job in Malaysia by taking money.
However, he neither returned the money nor offered the job to the complainant. The accused was booked under sections 419, 420 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) along with relevant sections o
Other than Pune, Gosavi has cases lodged against him in Mumbai and Thane.
Gosavi is also required by the NCB vigilance team in Mumbai to record his statements in the probe into the alleged corruption charges against Mumbai Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede.
Prabhakar Sail, who is the personal bodyguard of Kiran Gosavi and also a witness in the Mumbai cruise ship raid case has alleged that he took Rs 50 lakh from an individual after the raid at the cruise ship.?
One of the 9 witnesses listed by the NCB, among other things, Sail claimed that he was made to sign 10 blank papers by the agency and now feared for his life from Wankhede.
In the affidavit, Sail has contended that he "overheard" Gosavi and Sam D'Souza discuss a deal of Rs 24 crore which they "settled" for Rs 18 crore, of which Rs 8 crore would got to Wankhede.
He said that he saw SRK's manager, Pooja Dadlani arrive at the NCB office after Aryan Khan's arrest and also witnessed her talking with Gosavi and D'Souza inside her vehicle.
Sail alleged that Gosavi directed him to collect Rs 50 lakh cash from a spot near the Indiana Hotel and asked him to give the bags to D'Souza near the Trident Hotel where he counted it to find Rs 38 lakh cash.
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