Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad is expected to attend Lok Sabha proceedings later this week where he may present his side of the story in the House about assaulting an Air India official.
¡°Gaikwad will attend Parliament session either on Thursday or Friday,¡± a source close to the Shiv MP from Osmanabad told PTI.
¡°He will first present his side of the story in the House and only then will appear before media,¡± the source added.
Gaikwad has failed to reach Delhi as both Air India and private airlines have blacklisted him from flying after his assault an AI staffer last month.
The MP's multiple attempts to book a ticket to Delhi has since failed.
Meanwhile, the Shiv Sena on Wednesday threatened to disrupt Lok Sabha proceedings if no action was taken against Air India for banning Gaikwad from flying.
Sena said just one side of the story and today again protested against the ban on their MP imposed by a group of airlines. Anandrao Adsul, the Shiv Sena leader in the Lok Sabha, said it has been waiting for 15 days for a response from the Civil Aviation Ministry to its challenging of the ban.