A video has surfaced on the internet which shows how a female police officer in Uttar Pradesh is taking a stand against angry BJP mob who were loudly chanting the ¡®police murdabad¡¯ slogans.
Circle Officer Shrestha Thakur didn¡¯t step back when a mob gathered to protest a challan which was received by their BJP leader Pramod Lodhi for not having proper documentation of his vehicle.
"You please go and get written orders from the Chief Minister that the police have no right to check vehicles... that we can't do our job," Thakur unflinchingly tells Lodhi.
She also adds that such workers bring a bad name to the party and start goondaraj in the vicinity.
It¡¯s about time, officers like Thakur stand fearlessly against such goons and not bow down to hooliganism. She is indeed a true Dabang IRL!