Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat attracted major embarrassment after claiming that cow is the only animal which not only inhales oxygen but also exhales it. He added that humans can get rid of their breathing problems by massaging the animal. The video of CM¡¯s claims went viral in which he can be seen praising the animal and listing out the medicinal properties of cow milk and urine at a function in Dehradun.
The minister claimed massaging a cow can cure one¡¯s breathing problems and living in close proximity with the animal can cure tuberculosis.
Just a day ago, Uttarakhand BJP president and Nainital lawmaker Ajay Bhatt said pregnant women can avoid caesarean deliveries if they drink water of Garud Ganga, a river in Bageshwar district.
An official also defended Rawat¡¯s remarks saying that this is a popular belief in Uttarakhand.
People on Twitter were quick to response to the remarks:
Earlier, BJP MP Sadhvi Pragya said that cow urine cured her breast cancer.