For the 30th consecutive year, Qamar Sheikh, who has a deep familial bond with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, will continue their unique Raksha Bandhan tradition. On 19 August, she will travel to Delhi to tie a rakhi on Modi's wrist, celebrating this ritual that started nearly three decades ago.
Born in Karachi and married to Mohsin Sheikh in 1981, Qamar moved to India and first met Modi in 1990 through Dr Swaroop Singh, then Governor of Gujarat. Modi warmly welcomed her into his life as a sister, a relationship they have cherished for over three decades. "When I first met PM Modi, he was just a worker in the RSS," Qamar recalled, highlighting her early faith in Modi's leadership potential.
Each year, Qamar crafts the rakhi herself, choosing not to buy from the market. "I don¡¯t buy rakhi from the market for my brother. I make several rakhis myself before Raksha Bandhan and select the one I like the most to tie on his wrist," she shared with The speciality of this year's rakhi is that it is made from velvet and adorned with pearls, zardozi, and tikki, symbolising the continuity and strength of their bond. During the pandemic years of 2020 to 2022, when she couldn¡¯t perform the ritual in person, she sent the rakhi by other means instead, displaying her unflinching determination.
In 2023, she was able to resume their tradition in person, accompanied by her husband.
Qamar not only prays for Modi's health but also supports his political journey. Last year, she also expressed her support for Modi in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections by saying, "There is no doubt, he will be the Prime Minister again. He deserves this because he has those capabilities and I wish him to be PM of India every time."
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On Raksha Bandhan, a festival celebrated by the Hindu community, sisters tie threads around their brothers' hands as a symbol of protection, wherein brothers give the assurance of life-long support.?
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