The RBI on Thursday evening superseded the board of directors of Yes Bank and limited cash withdrawal to Rs 50,000 until April 3, 2020.?
RBI has appointed deputy managing director and CFO of State Bank of India, Prashant Kumar, as an administrator of the bank. According to reports, the RBI action came after attempts for an SBI-led bailout plan failed. Read more?
The total number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in India has reached 30 after a Ghaziabad man who had recently travelled to Iran tested positive on Thursday. The Ghaziabad man has been quarantined at Delhi¡¯s Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital.?
His wife and son have been put in isolation at MMG District Hospital in Ghaziabad. Read more?
An Irish man with suspected symptoms of coronavirus has gone missing in Odisha.?
The Irish man who had landed in Bhubaneswar International Airport on Thursday with a fever. He was sent for the mandatory screening which India has started for all passengers arriving from abroad at the airports. Read more?
While India's efforts and struggles to conserve tiger population has been known, here is one of India¡¯s most successful conservation stories: the population of one-horned rhinos has grown manifold over the years.?
From a population of barely 75 in 1905, there were over 2,700 Indian rhinos (Rhinoceros unicornis) by 2012, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature¨CIndia (WWF-India), a global wildlife advocacy. Read more?
According to the latest figures, Kerala attracted around 1.96 crore domestic and foreign visitors in 2019, which is the highest growth rate in tourist footfalls in 24 years.?
Kerala witnessed 16 per cent yearly increase in the first three quarters of 2109 from domestic tourists till September 30 and 8.5 per cent growth from foreign tourists in the last calendar year. Read more?