Indore in Madhya Pradesh has emerged as the cleanest city in India for the fourth time in a row. According to the Swachhta survey results announced on Tuesday, Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh was ranked second in the first-quarter results (April to June), while Rajkot in Gujarat grabbed the second spot in second-quarter results (July-September).The third position was bagged by Surat in Gujarat in the first quarter and Navi Mumbai in Maharashtra in the second quarter.?
Jamshedpur in Jharkhand has bagged the first position in the category of a city having a population less than 10 lakh, the Central government cleanliness survey stated.?
Indore has remained the first place in the cleanliness survey for the last three years, and Bhopal too had been among the top-ranked cities consistently.?
¡°We will keep the top position consecutively for the fourth time. We are all prepared for the same and with the support of Indore¡¯s resident, I am assured that we will get our tag again,¡± Indore Municipal Corporation Commissioner Asheesh Singh said.?
Indore Mayor Malini Gaur said in a tweet that the real test is coming and they will try their best to get the 1st position like last three years.¡°We have successfully bagged the cleanest city of Indore¡¯s tag for three times and will surely get it for the fourth time. It is time for the real test as Survekshan will be started from January 4,¡± Gaud said.?
According to the report was released by urban affairs minister Hardeep Singh Puri, Kolkata and Howrah came at the bottom of the rankings.?
While NDMC bagged 20th rank nationally in the first quarter (April-June) in the survey, it slipped to the 75th spot in the second-quarter results (July-September). The East Delhi Municipal Corporation's (EDMC) ranking in the first quarter was 2,304, but it improved to 1,116 in the second quarter. While North MCD's ranking dropped from 2,974 to 3,722 in the second quarter, SDMC's ranking improved from 3,871 to 1,239.?
Puri blamed Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal for being ¡°solely responsible¡± for Delhi's ¡°poor¡± ranking in the Swachhta survey and for air pollution and non-implementation of PM Awas Yojana, which aims to provide houses to the urban poor.?
The government had launched the Swachh Survekshan League to ensure that municipal authorities continue taking steps to improve sanitation around the year rather than focussing on only a few months to improve their ranking in the Centre¡¯s annual survey.This time a total of 4,372 cities participated in the league, which included municipal areas with a population in the range of less than 25,000 and over 10 lakh.??