Jagmeet Singh, a Sikh MPP in Ontario, Canada and an NDP leadership hopeful, had to face an uncomfortable situation at an event in Brampton. He was delivering a speech at his famous "JagMeet and Greet" event when an anti-Islam woman interrupted him and yelled "sharia".
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"When is your sharia going to end?" she asked Jagmeet. Sharia is an Islamic law based on the teachings of the Koran and the traditions of the Prophet.
But Jagmeet showed exceptional patience and said, "We don't want to be intimidated by hate. We don't want hatred to ruin a positive event." He added, "Let's show people how we would treat someone with love."
The exchange continued for a while before the woman got frustrated and left. Audiences on Facebook and Twitter hailed Jagmeet for how he diffused the situation.?