Anil Kumble, who visited the Tadoba Andhari National Park in Chandrapur in Maharashtra, shared a sequence of mesmerising photos showing the rare sight of tigress Maya ferociously chasing another tigress.
On Twitter, Anil shared a few pictures from his lens.
In his caption for the post, "I had a once in a lifetime sighting of Maya the tigress in #Tadoba, who was protecting her territory from another tigress.?
The sequence of pictures shared depicts the ferocious chase that culminated in a fight and a civilised way of asking the intruder to leave her territory."
See Kumble's post here:
The pictures have garnered over 11,000 likes and almost 750 retweets so far. As for his fans and followers, they are more than impressed with the set of pictures and wrote about it in the comments section.
"How do you manage your time and also you do not seem to age!!! Pride of Karnataka," a user said while another added, "It requires a lot of patience and timing to capture such images...u deserve".
Sample the responses here:
Stunning pictures, indeed!