Fans shall need to wear masks on their faces and keep maintaining social distancing when they come to MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai for the second Test between India and England which begins on February 13, as per a report in PTI.?
The Tamil Nadu Cricket Association announced the protocols for around 15,000 fans, who will watch the 2nd Test. This included denial of entry to anybody showing COVID symptoms.
Spectators shall return for an India match on home soil for the first time since the COVID outbreak. The first Test started in front of empty stands at the same v.?
"Conditions to be adhered by the spectators during the 2nd Test Match at MAC Stadium. Face mask, covering mouth and nose, is mandatory for entry into the stadium and maintain social distancing within the stadium premises at all times," TNCA's media release said.?
"Persons showing any symptoms of COVID 19 like - Fever, Cough, Cold etc will be denied entry into the stadium," it added.?