Streaming platforms like Netflix let users download their content on the device of their choice so that users may watch their favourite film or an ongoing series on-the-go without having to drain their data. The ability to download films and series also lets users always watch in high-quality, as often during streaming, internet speed can fluctuate, in turn affecting the quality of what you're seeing on your smartphone.
In times of power cuts or during travel do we truly grasp the importance of downloading media on our smartphones. Downloading a series that you're currently watching or a film that's been on the watching list for far too long is a good idea.
With downloaded content on Netflix, you're able to cut down on data usage outdoors, especially in foreign countries where data rates are peculiarly high. Another reason to download content onto your device if you're travelling abroad is that if your favourite series isn't available on Netflix there, then downloading it allows you to watch it.
Downloading stuff on Netflix is fairly simple. However, this downloaded content would only be available within the app - you will not be able to see it on your internal storage as a standalone file and you will also not be able to transfer it via a pen drive or the likes. Per device, Netflix allows 100 active downloads.
You can also turn on the Smart Downloads feature that downloads the next episode of the series you're watching while deleting the episode you've already watched.
Do you think being able to download series and films from Netflix is helpful? Let us know in the comments below.?For more in the world of?technology?and?science, keep reading? here?for our how-to guides.