Doomsday preparation has begun, fellow Earthlings! Earth is getting its own black box. Rings a bell? A black box is essentially an electronic recording device placed in aircraft to help with investigations in case of accidents and mishaps.
As the effects of climate change become more pronounced, Earth will see extreme weather events that will slowly but surely decimate life on Earth, unless of course, our leaders wake up to the grim reality and take immediate action (the chances of this are slim)!
Earth's own "indestructible" black box will be built on a granite plain in Australia's west coast by early 2022, according to ABC. Developed by a company called Clemenger BBDO in collaboration with the University of Tasmania, the black box will essentially record "every step we take" as climate disasters become inevitable.
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The doom and gloom is strong with this one! The structure will be as big as a bus and made of 3-inch thick steel, topped with solar panels to keep it self-sustainable. Inside this structure will be storage drives that collect data about the climate change and different variables associated with it - including change in carbon dioxide levels and increase in average temperatures.
That's not all! If humans perished and an alien civilisation discovered the black box, they would get to see how our social media operates - collating posts from different websites and portals.
The storage is expected to run out in 30-50 years. According to ABC, the researchers are working on a way to improve the storage capacity and to carve out a more long-term solution, but we won't know until it happens.
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People behind its development believe that the fact that their actions are being constantly recorded might push leaders to take more radical steps to halt climate change.?We personally don't think that leaders are going to care more than they currently do.
What do you think - is a black box going to help shine some light on climate change? If not, maybe it'll teach those after us not to repeat our mistakes. Let us know in the comments below.?For more in the world of tech and science, keep reading
Kilvert, N. (2021, December 5). Earth is getting a black box to record our climate change actions, and it¡¯s already started listening. ABC News.?