Climate is causing heat waves, melting our ice caps, raising sea levels, spawning more hurricanes, bleaching corals, killing off animal species, and more. And apparently all we need to do to fix it all is focus on some large-scale gardening.
Now, we always knew that planting more trees is part of the solution to fixing the damage we've caused to the environment. But according to a new study in the journal Science, it's a much much bigger part of it than we originally thought.
"We all knew restoring forests could play a part in tackling climate change, but we had no scientific understanding of what impact this could make," said Tom Crowther, the ETH Zurich environmental systems scientist that led the research. "Our study shows clearly that forest restoration is the best climate change solution available today and it provides hard evidence to justify investment. If we act now, this could cut carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to levels last seen almost a century ago."
Trees scrub atmospheric carbon and output oxygen naturally during photosynthesis. It's estimated that a 1 billion hectare increase in forests could limit global warming to an increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050.
The new study now says that reforesting an area about the size of the United States could erase nearly 100 years' worth of carbon emissions.
According to their data, the Earth can support about 4.4 billion hectares of forest without removing cities or farmland to accommodate them, while only about 2.8 billion hectares currently exist. That means there's more than 1.6 billion hectares available for forest restoration.?
"If you convert that into carbon, that's about 200 gigatonnes of carbon," said ecologist Jean-Francois Bastin, who co-authored the study. And humans across the world have put about 300 gigatonnes of carbon into the air in all of our time on Earth.?
"This is beautiful thing, just to think that to fight climate change what you have to do is to plant trees and you can do that everywhere," Bastin said.