We humans tend to ?get really excited about new technology and dive right in without thought of consequences. And that's what we're doing with unrestricted AI development, among other things. Unfortunately, it's also what we're doing with pet tagging.
BioHax founder Jowan ?sterlund - BioHax
You see, many pet owners in developed ?countries tend to implant microchips into their beloved critter. That way, if they ever run away or get lost, they can be tracked down without having to rely on a helpful stranger. Unfortunately, some companies seemed to have gotten the idea that tagging their employees might make workplace administration more efficient.
The Telegraph recently reported how "a number of UK legal and financial firms" are currently discussing implanting their employees with RFID microchips provided by one particular company, BioHax. Apparently, it's for nebulous "security purposes".
According to the report, BioHax founder Jowan ?sterlund says some of those firms employ hundreds, if not thousands of people. RFID chips then help ensure someone without access can't get into restricted areas.
"These companies have sensitive documents they are dealing with. The chips would allow them to set restrictions for whoever. In a company with 200,000 employees, you can offer this as an opt-in." His opinion is that it's fine, especially considering it removes the need to carry a physical ID at all times.
Of course, it's only secure when you're trying to stop petty thieves that might be swiping passes. Because cloning an RFID tag is laughably easy for hackers. What this move really means then, is that it's so much easier to keep track of an employee at the workplace, and improves their efficiency. As the report points out, it could make swiping into the building, buying food in the canteen, and even accessing printers easier (some of these companies are law firms, where printer access is logged).
But there's a bigger problem to worry about than just hackers that might attack you. There's also the privacy you're giving up and the discrimination you could face thanks to that itsy bitsy little microchip. For one thing, even if you have a chip in YOUR hand, it's company property. That means a government body can issue a warrant against your company in order to gain access to all the data recorded on those chips. Even before that, the company itself can access what pings your RFID tag made, and suddenly they have more chances to make up reasons to not promote a discrimination victim, or fire them.
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If you're a woman, those worries just get worse. Imagine, anyone with enough knowledge can access your company RFID to see all its pings. They now have access to what time you reach your workplace everyday, and what time you leave. By default, they also know where your office is, and that's horrifying.
Getty Images
Some authorities are already realising the danger thankfully, though not many. American companies began adopting the chipping trend as early as 2006, implanting tags in employees. However, the state government of California quickly moved to block all companies from making the practice mandatory, as well as stopping students from being chipped altogether.
Technology is abused to harass people, especially women, on a regular basis. Without some serious thought on the issue, it's only a matter of time before we regret implanting ourselves with chips like a beloved house pet.