Right now, smart speakers are a convenience that we don't really need. Many argue that they in fact make us even lazier than before. But researchers at the University of Washington have been working on something that could make them life-saving gadgets.
You see, when someone goes into cardiac arrest, they either stop breathing or start gasping for air. The latter is called agonal breathing. And that's about to become important in a minute.
When someone is having a heart attack, most of the time they'll survive if there's someone nearby to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) within a few minutes. Without that, their brain is deprived of oxygen, and the longer that goes on the less likely their chances to pull through.
So it's problematic when this happens at home. In public, there's likely to be someone to help. But if you're in a room alone, even your spouse in the next room might not hear you struggling for breath. And at home is where 88 percent of cardiac arrests occur.
According to the Indian Heart Association, 50 percent of all heart attacks in India are experienced by people under 50 years of age and 25 percent in those under 40.
So what the researchers at the University of Washington did is start collecting ?2.5-second audio clips of cardiac arrest patients' agonal breathing, 236 of them in all. These were taken from 162 911 calls made to Seattle's Emergency Medical Services between 2009 and 2017. In those cases, the callers held the phone to the patient's mouth so dispatchers could hear their breathing. They also created thousands more such clips of struggled breathing, as well as a few thousand clips of the sounds people regularly make while sleeping, like snoring.
They then fed this into a machine learning algorithm along with data identifying which were sleeping sounds and which were indicative of a heart attack. At the end of it, their AI could identify a heart attack from the sounds of breathing alone 97 percent of the time.
The thing is, these researchers want this capability integrated into smart speakers. After all, the likes of Amazon's Echo and the Google Home are always "listening" to you anyway for their activation phrase. But there could be an additional trigger implemented, one when it hears this kind of laboured breathing.
In that case, the smart speaker can sound an alarm throughout the house, alerting any other people there that someone's having a heart attack. Heck, the team thinks this could even come in handy for smartphones, giving that they most always sit by our heads through the night anyway.
"We envision a contactless system that works by continuously and passively monitoring the bedroom for an agonal breathing event, and alerts anyone nearby to come provide CPR," says Prof. Shyam Gollakota, a co-corresponding author on the research paper. "And then if there's no response, the device can automatically call 911."