Bengaluru police just pulled the curtain back on a shocking tale of drug smuggling and a tattoo artist playing puppet master. Rakshith Ramesh Melappanavar, a resident of Chokkananahalli, has been arrested by the Central Crime Branch (CCB) for his alleged involvement in a massive cross-border narcotics ring. The haul? A staggering Rs 2 crore worth of illicit substances cleverly disguised as cookies. Yeah, you heard that right ¨C cookies!
The whole operation was uncovered after police got wind of Melappanavar¡¯s shady dealings. Turns out, the CCB¡¯s Anti-Narcotics Wing had no trouble sniffing out 3.5 grams of hydro ganja, 130 grams of charas, 40 LSD strips, and 2.3 grams of MDMA from his stash. All this wasn¡¯t just for kicks; it was part of a much larger web connecting drug shipments from Thailand and Malaysia. Talk about international connections!
What¡¯s even more jaw-dropping is the mastermind¡¯s alleged plan. Authorities suspect Melappanavar had stockpiled the narcotics in anticipation of the New Year rush, aiming to distribute them in Goa. Oh, and did we mention he ran his tattoo shop as a cover? Genius or utterly reckless? Either way, it didn¡¯t quite fly under the radar.
According to Bengaluru Police Commissioner B Dayananda, Melappanavar had associates from other states working with him, and these connections extended as far as Goa, Himachal Pradesh, and Telangana. His accomplice? Still out there, but not for long if the CCB has anything to say about it.
A local court has already remanded Melappanavar into police custody, and investigations are far from over. The twist? He was reportedly still learning the ropes of the narcotics trade under the guidance of his shady associate. Let¡¯s hope the art of tattooing stays far from this mess.
Stay tuned as authorities tighten the net on this tangled web of drug smuggling, tattoos, and cookie cover-ups. The New Year might have just brought more than a hangover to Bengaluru.