I don't know why I find myself reading the ingredients in everything and googling about things that stand a tiny prospect of having plastic in it. This campaign is getting to my head, and I mean it in a good way. It is only now that I feel bothered by my negligence for so long in my life and for having consumed plastic in so many ways. It is only now that I realise that I am responsible for killing innocent animals who were as much home to this planet as I am.
The epiphany of all these things and revelations has struck me like a lightening and I aim to take whatever steps, little to big ones, in my abilities to fight plastic.?
I am not big on gums and rarely indulge in buying it, but it was yesterday when someone offered me one and we began discussing what it was made of. From stupid suggestions like slime to some sort of unique plant we discussed them all, but much to our surprise, we found plastic.?
Up until WWII, chewing gum was made of a substance called chicle mixed with flavourings. Chicle is a latex sap, somewhat like a rubber, but this wasn't the case anymore. I came home and googled and this is what I stumbled upon.?
According to? Chemistry.About.com, chewing gum is basically synthetic rubber which comes to replace the natural form of rubber. (e.g., polyethylene and polyvinyl acetate).?
Polyvinyl acetat is a type of plastic which is manufactured using vinyl acetate, a chemical shown to cause tumours in lab rats and the fact is known to everyone. Back in 2008, Canada became so concerned about their people chewing on plastic that they added it to the list of toxic substances. Unfortunately, the industry pressure took the substance off the said list.?
But Polyvinyl acetat is not the only element that can cause damage to you. Your plastic chewing gum can also contain ¡°petroleum, lanolin, glycerin, polyethylene, polyvinyl acetate, petroleum wax, stearic acid, or latex,¡±? ?
As users, we have no way of knowing what it is there inside our food as most manufacturers chose to ignore the gory details. I don't know if gums are killing us, but it is basically we chewing on plastic.?