A 70-year-old woman in Gujarat gave birth to a healthy baby a month ago in Kutch district.?
Jivuben Rabari and her husband Valjibhai Rabari, 75, from Kutch, welcomed their first child 每 a son named Lalo 每 delivered by Caesarean section last month.??
While the process was a massive challenge for doctors in Bhuj, their courage hinged on the lionhearted patient, Jivuben, who egged the doctors on to go ahead with their experiment, The Times of India reported.?
The couple, who have been married for 45 years, had been unsuccessfully trying for a baby for decades before conceiving their first child through In-Vitro Fertilisation.
The resident of Mora village of Rapar taluka did not have any documents to prove her age but told her physicians that she has seen around 65 to 70 summers while being steadfast in her desire to get a child through IVF.?
As fate would have it, the stars aligned and the couple's first child was born after more than four decades of marriage.?
The doctors had counselled Jivuben not to take the risk of pregnancy at this age but she was quite emotional about getting the baby.?
Gynaecologist, Dr Naresh Bhanushali said, "We first made her menstrual cycle regular by prescribing oral medicines. Then we widened her uterus which had shrunk owing to age. We fertilized her eggs and created blastocyst and transferred it to the uterus.§?
The doctors conducted sonography after two weeks and were surprised to see the foetus developing and continued to monitor it. They later found a heartbeat on time and saw no deformity and hence, continued with the pregnancy.?