Air-conditioned restrooms are underway for the porters at Bhopal railway station. Minister of medical education Vishvas Sarang confirmed the same on Monday.?The minister attended a meeting with the divisional railway manager Saurabh Bandhopadhyaya, collector Avinash Lavaniya, and Bhopal municipal commissioner, KVS Choudhary, at Vallabh Bhawan when it was discussed and confirmed.?
The retiring rooms would be built on railway land on the side of platform number 1.?The officials have also been asked to remove encroachments from the near Aishbagh stadium area to construct Barkhedi minister. They had asked them to remove encroachment from railway land in the Narela constituency.?A two-lane ROB will be built from Chola Mandir to platform number 1 of the main railway station to facilitate the movement of people.?
The Indian Railways had to cancel trains to prioritize the delivery of coal rakes across the country.?As the crisis looms on the Indian Railways amidst coal shortage, it was announced that a total of 753 trips of passenger trains had to be canceled to prioritize the delivery of coal across the country.
On April 30th, a total of 713 trips of the South East Central Railway were canceled till May 25, while 40 trips of the Northern Railways were canceled till May 8.?
According to the Railways, these are non-priority trains, and canceling them will eventually help the more effortless movement of coal to power plants across the country.
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