A four-and-a-half-year-old husky, Nawab took part in the ongoing 'Char Dham Yatra' with his Noida-based owner Rohan Tyagi a few days back.?Nawab, a social media influencer in his own right, enjoys a massive following on Instagram (Handle: 'huskyindia0') and has 74,000 followers.
Rohan and his wife love traveling with Nawab, and are the trio are frequent travel companions. They travel along with their friends and furry animals and love exploring several places together.
Like a usual routine, Rohan?shared a video of Nawab's memorable visit to the shrine after their visit.
From making him touch the idols to priests putting vermilion on his husky's head, the adorable video won many hearts. However, the aftermath of this memorable visit has left a bitter aftertaste for the Tyagis.
?As per the committee, the act of the devotee carrying his pet to the shrine is objectionable and condemnable.
On Wednesday, the Badrinath-Kedarnath temple committee demanded stern action against him after he was seen walking in a viral video along with his pet dog, who is touching the sacred idols in the precincts of the Himalayan temple.
The pet dog can be seen in the video touching the statue of ¡®Nandi¡¯ in the outer precincts of the Kedarnath temple.?
?According to a TOI report, Ajendra Ajay, president of BKTC (Badrinath-Kedarnath temple committee), was quoted as saying:?
"Crores of people have faith in Baba Kedarnath, and such activities hurt their sentiments by YouTubers and vloggers. These people have no devotion, and they come here only to shoot reels and videos with Bollywood songs playing in the background. It gets in the way of pilgrims who come to seek the blessings of Baba Kedarnath."
Speaking about YouTubers and overenthusiastic travel vloggers disrupting the security arrangements, he said,?
"They stop in the middle of trek routes and start shooting reels, disrupting the journey of other pilgrims.?They have nothing to do with devotion. "
As per mythology, Shiva's fearsome form, known as Bhairava, uses a dog as its mount.