On Thursday, the Indian cricket superstar Virat Kohli sparked an important conversation after he posted his class 10 mark sheet online.?While Kohli is a celebrated batsman all over the world now, at the beginning of his career he had to choose between his passion for sports and his education.
Kohli only studied till class 12 and waved goodbye to education afterward to pursue his dream as a cricketer. He completed his schooling at Savior Convent School in Paschim Vihar, Delhi. He cleared 10th grade in 2004 from the same school.
In the mark sheet Kohli shared, there are subjects like English, Hindi, Science and Technology, Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Introductory IT (Information Technology). In all the subjects, the cricketer seemed to be an average student considering that he was also training by day as a batsman.?
While sharing the mark sheet, Kohli pointed out how there was no mention of a sport on the official scoreboard. This lack of sports education and training in the country leads to many talents like Kohli going unnoticed and ultimately wasted. He noted the lack of sports in Indian schools in his caption which read, ¡°It's funny how the things that add the least to your marksheet, add the most to your character. #LetThereBeSport.¡±
The post instantly went viral as fans jumped at the opportunity to know Virat Kohli a little better. Folks were inspired by Kohli¡¯s message and drew similarities between themselves and their favourite batting stalwart. One fan noted, ¡°Being a professional cricketer these marks are not bad at all.¡±
Another remarked, ¡°This solidly proves marks aren't necessary to get rich and successful.¡±
One fan pointed out how the batsman had more centuries in his record than the highest marks he scored in 10th standard, ¡°Kohli scored more no. of century than highest marks he got in his school life.¡±
A fellow fan was proud of the cricketer's growth, ¡°He was not good at mathematics, but today he made us all mad at mathematics while calculating his tons & tons of runs & milestones.¡±
Another joked and mentioned how he did not laminate his mark sheet like all the other desi kids, ¡°Lamination nhi karwaya.¡±
Yet another user was inspired by Kohli¡¯s hard work, ¡°These are wonderful marks for someone who was pursuing full time cricket.¡±
One user echoed the same sentiments, ¡°Considering he was heavily involved and participating in Cricket at that time, this is really good score.¡±
One drew even drew similarities with the famous batsman, ¡°That's literally me man . Extremely weak in Maths and science and good Political and English.¡±