In a shocking incident, a 'stampede-like' situation unfolded at the Sangam during the Maha Kumbh on Wednesday, where multiple casualties were feared. The incident occurred at 2:30 am when a large number of pilgrims turned up for a holy bath on Mauni Amavasya.?
A large number of devotees arrived at the Sangam banks and broke the barrier. According to a TN report, some people have got injured and also been hospitalized after a barrier broke at the Sangam; however, the injured are under treatment, told the officer on special duty for the Mela, Akanksha Rana.?
The injured people have been taken to the hospital in Sector 2, as per ANI.?
Responding to the tragedy, the Akhil Bhartiya Akhara Parishad (ABAP) has cancelled the Amrit Snan that was planned for the Mauni Amavasya.?
The ABAP President Mahant Ravindra Puri confirmed that the administration has urged people to not come for the Amrit Snan, and we are currently staying back; however, the procession comprising the saints and Naga Sadhus is ready to move ahead for the Snan.?
The decision to cancel the ritual has been made due to overcrowding at the Sangam, and safety measures are prioritised first in such cases. The ABAP President further noted that the third Amrit Snan will take place on February 3, but the most auspicious of the Snans, like Mauni Amavasya, has been cancelled.?
An eyewitness at the incident, quoted by ANI, said, ^There was no chance for escape; there was pushing from all sides. ̄ She said they came in a batch of 60 people in two buses, and there were a total of 9 people in the group, but suddenly there was a push in the crowd, and they all got trapped. Among them, a lot of them fell down, and the crowd went uncontrolled.?
The Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj, India, had a number of safety measures such as a seven-tier security system, advanced surveillance, and fire safety precautions.?
Security system: A seven-tier security system is in place, with a number of cordons, checkpoints, and temporary police stations.?
Surveillance: AI-powered cameras, drones, and anti-drone systems are used to monitor the event.?
Force deployment: Over 10,000 police personnel, paramilitary forces, and other security have been deployed in Maha Kumbh.?
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