India is looking forward to the Mahakumbh, which is going to take place in Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj from January 13. Amid all the preparations, late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs's wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, is all set to visit Mahakumbh in 2025. According to ANI's report, Laurene Powell Jobs has been given a Hindu name, said Kailashanand Giri Maharaj of Niranjani Akhara on Friday.?
Moreover, Laurene Powell Jobs commenced her spiritual retreat in India by visiting the famous Kashi Vishwanath Temple in Varanasi on Saturday. She visited the temple with Kailashanand Giri Maharaj and was seen wearing a traditional pink kurta and a white dupatta, offering prayers outside the sanctum sanctorum.
According to the ANI report, Kailashanand Giri Maharaj said, Laurene Powell Jobs is coming to visit her guru here, and they have renamed her Kamala, and she is like a daughter to them. As well as that, she is visiting India at Mahakumbh to meditate, which is one of her personal programs.?
Upon being asked whether Laurene Powell Jobs will be added to the Akhara's 'Peshwai,' Kailashanand Giri Ji Maharaj noted that they will try to include her in the Peshwai and will leave it to her to make a decision. Moreover, she will be here to have a tour of the Mahakumbh and will meet the seers at the spiritual event.??
Kailashanand Giri Ji Maharaj went on to add that most people across the world are under the guidance of some guru, and that is the reason many people are coming for their personal programs.?
Steve Jobs's wife and seers pray for the successful completion of Maha Kumbh?
During Laurene Powell Jobs' visit to Kashi temple, they prayed for a successful completion of Maha Kumbh without any obstacles or difficulties.?
Moreover, Jobs also followed the traditions of the temple, and she is also planning to take a dip in the Ganga River.?