The Delhi government recruited the first group of female DTC bus drivers on Tuesday. The letters of appointment for 11 female bus drivers joining the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) were handed over by Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot.
Among the women is a boxer, Pooja, who has participated in several state-level tournaments.?
?A TOI report quotes her as saying, "I thought that if I could drive a tractor, I could well drive a bus too,"?
"I want to thank all women today being handed over the letters of appointment for their courage to take up bus driving as a career choice and become a role model for society. I am very hopeful that they will inspire more women to become bus drivers in Delhi's transportation fleet," Gahlot said on occasion.?
In two groups, 81 women have already completed the training, and 38 have obtained their HMV licenses. Thirty-one additional women have submitted applications to attend training at the DTC Training Centre, Nandnagari, where ten of these women are already receiving training for hiring as bus drivers.
It reduced the minimum height criteria from 159 cm to 153 cm and the experience criteria for induction as bus drivers for women to one month.
In April, the Transport Minister kicked off 'Mission Parivartan,' an initiative to train women to obtain their heavy motor vehicle (HMV) licenses at Society for Driving Training Institute, Burari.?
Female candidates lowered the minimum height requirement from 159 cm to 153 cm and the amount of experience needed for induction to just one month.?
The action boosted the chances for women to work in the combined 7,370-bus fleet of the Delhi Integrated Multi-modal Transit System and DTC (DIMTS). The ruling also allowed women to join the 15,000-person bus driver workforce in the state's public transportation system.
(With PTI inputs)
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