CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk once said that whether there will be traffic forever or there will be tunnels as a solution. However, looks like he managed to create the recipe for the worst combination.?
Video footage is surfacing on the internet showing a traffic jam in Elon Musk¡¯s underground tunnel in Las Vegas, during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).??
The show is really popular and it draws a lot of crowds including?journalists and others viewing new products and technologies in the consumer electronics industry from thousands of exhibitors.
But this year, the show wrapped up with a much lesser crowd due to the pandemic during the show dates between?January 5-7.?
So, people were surprised to see the congestion in the tunnel on the Las Vegas road.?
The video shared online shows backed-up traffic at the annual Las Vegas tech convention and has left people somewhat perplexed, given that's kind of the exact opposite result to what Elon claimed would happen.
This tunnel is called The Loop and is an underground tunnel around 40 feet deep that runs from near the Las Vegas Convention Center's West Hall to the South Hall and back built by Musk's Boring Company.
People enter Teslas at 'stations', and are then driven by a human through the tunnel to a drop-off point - surprisingly enough there's no automated driving here yet.
The tunnel can apparently fit 70 cars, but the supposedly the reason for the traffic jam was because there were 90 cars in at times due to 'driver error'.
?There were many reactions to this.?
Elon Musk has a lot of answers to give.
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