Elon Musk has long been an active social media user, and more so since buying over Twitter. Yet, as the 2024 US election approached, his credibility came under scrutiny as election officials struggled to counter the waves of misinformation linked to his posts. Now, in a surprising twist, Musk*s own AI model, Grok, has acknowledged that the Tesla billionaire is indeed spreading misinformation online.
On X, social media user Gary Koepnick shared a revealing exchange with Elon Musk's AI chatbot, Grok.?
Grok is a generative AI chatbot created by xAI, launched in 2023 as part of an initiative by Elon Musk.
Koepnick asked the chatbot, "Did Elon Musk spread misinformation to billions of people?"
The chatbot's response was both direct and alarming: "Yes, there is substantial evidence and analysis suggesting that Elon Musk has spread misinformation on various topics, including elections, to a very large audience through his social media platform, X (formerly known as Twitter)."
Grok highlighted Musk's immense influence as a central factor in the widespread dissemination of misinformation.?
"As the owner of X and the most followed user, Musk's posts receive significant visibility, often being seen by millions or even billions of users. This high engagement rate has led to widespread dissemination of misinformation," the AI explained.
This has come at a time when election officials had been working tirelessly in the days leading up to the 2024 election to counteract misleading narratives.?
Michigan County Clerk Barb Bynum, who has been on the front lines of defending election integrity, had commented in an interview with NBC News, "My microphone is significantly smaller than the owner of Twitter's, but I still have to use my platform to correct mis- and disinformation, especially when it is about election administration and the integrity of our elections."
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