The beloved cooking show MasterChef India is returning to TV in an exciting new format¡ªthis time with celebrity contestants! Judged by culinary experts Vikas Khanna, Ranveer Brar, and Bollywood's Farah Khan, Celebrity MasterChef promises a star-studded culinary battle. Among the contestants is TV star Dipika Kakkar, who was seen getting emotional in a recently released promo. In the clip, Dipika opens up about being trolled for "just cooking in the kitchen." However, the promo has sparked mixed reactions, with some viewers expressing frustration, claiming she's bringing her signature "rona dhona" (tears and drama) to the show.
The latest promo of the celebrity cooking show puts the spotlight on actress Dipika Kakar.
The clip opens with judge Ranveer Brar reminding Dipika about the ticking clock as she works on her dish.
When judge Vikas Khanna asks, "Do you have a Plan B?" Dipika confidently replies that she's aiming to finish on time.?
She presents an elegant Cr¨¨me Br?l¨¦e Tart that leaves the judges impressed.?
Overcome by their praise, Dipika tears up, prompting Farah Khan to ask, "Dipika, ro kyun rahe ho itna?" (Why are you crying so much, Dipika?)?
Fighting back her emotions, Dipika shares an empowering message: "Mein aaj unhe represent karti ho jinhe ye bolke dabaya jata hain, 'arrey yeh kitchen mein khana hi toh banani rahi hain. Haan, hu main home cook." (I represent those who are dismissed with, 'Oh, it's just cooking in the kitchen.' Yes, I'm a home cook.")
Joining Dipika in the competition are other celebrities, including Gaurav Khanna, Tejasswi Prakash, Rajiv Adatia, Nikki Tamboli, Faisal Shaikh (Mr. Faisu), Usha Nadkarni, Kabita Singh, Chandan Prabhakar, and Abhijeet Sawant, making this star-studded season one to watch.
Tagging Sony TV, viewers flooded the comments section with mixed reactions to Dipika Kakar's emotional moment in the latest promo.?
While some supported her heartfelt statement, many expressed frustration.
One user remarked, "Sabki kahani kyun Dipika ke ghar ki kahani hee itni hai ki isko woh batane ke liye Nach Baliye kam pad gaya, Bigg Boss kam pad gaya, waha bhi kahani khatam nahi hui toh yaha pe rone agai. Show hai koi daily soap nahi, isko show ki tarah hee rehne do."
Another quipped, "Oh god, iska iss show mein bhi shuru hogaya kya? Rona dhona."
Comments like "Hogaya iska rona dhona shuru.. Overacting ki dukan hai yeh,"?and "Oh god how can you make a cooking show about crying & drama,"?echoed similar sentiments.
A cheeky comment read, "It's not Sasural Simar Ka,'?referencing Dipika's lead role in the popular 2011 daily soap.
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