A picture shared by Congress politician and BCCI Vice-President Rajeev Shukla is going pretty viral on the internet. In the photo with Coldplay's frontman Chris Martin, cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar, politician Raj Thackeray, and renowned singer Shankar Mahadevan, the first thing that stands out isn't the star-studded group¡ªit's Rajeev Shukla's beaming smile. Honestly, his expression is so priceless, it has serious meme potential. Trust us, this one's a keeper - and the internet's reaction is proof!
Rajeev Shukla shared the now-viral image on January 22 with the caption, "Chris Martin and his father are friendly persons. Cris's india tour is extremely successful."
He was referring to Coldplay's first India concert, which included three performances in Mumbai and will wrap up with a show in Ahmedabad on January 26, 2025.
Check out the hilarious reactions to the picture:
Rajeev Shukla, born on September 13, 1959, in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, is an Indian politician, former journalist, and media personality.?
A key member of the Indian National Congress, he has served as a Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha and held the role of Union Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Planning.
In the world of cricket, Shukla has played an important role in the growth of the Indian Premier League (IPL), having been its Chairman from 2010 to 2014.?
He was reappointed in 2015 by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and became the Vice President of BCCI in December 2020.
Before entering politics, Shukla worked in journalism. He started as a reporter at Jansatta and later became a special correspondent for Ravivar Magazine. Over the years, he also held senior roles, including senior editor and political editor for several publications.
Shukla is married to Anurradha Prasad, the Managing Director of B.A.G. Films and Media Limited, a company known for producing Hindi and Punjabi films.
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