Ajay Thakore, alias Ace Rogers, CEO of Doctor Multimedia, faced social media controversy after posting a video of himself purchasing a costly item for his dog. The video shows him selecting a Louis Vuitton "Bone Trunk" dog suitcase for ?14 lakh. People were dissatisfied with his video, with many arguing that it would have been preferable to donate the money to a dog shelter rather than spend it on one luxury item.
"Aspen is always spending money like there is no tomorrow. "$20,000 Louis Vuitton bone trunk," Thakore captioned a video. The video shows him entering a Louis Vuitton store, greeting the employees, and joking, "I think my dog has something to pick up." An individual then discloses the item the businessman was picking up - an LV Bone Trunk, which according to the official website is priced at ?14,10,000.
According to the official LV website, the product is a "hard-sided suitcase" shaped like a bone and includes a varnished hardwood tray with two bowls.?
With over 1.7 million views, the video has earned several likes and comments. Here's what people wrote in the comments.?
Earlier this year, Ajay Thakore made news after allegedly threatening to kill a dock worker who refused to park his yacht. During the heated confrontation, the California-based businessman revealed his genitals to the employee. In a viral video, he was seen telling the worker, "I will kill you, you know I will kill you, I will kill," Watch the video here.
Also read:?Chinese woman refuses to put her luxury Louis Vuitton bag under seat, asked to leave flight
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