India's disappointing performance in the ongoing Test series against Australia, part of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, has reportedly left team coach and former cricketer Gautam Gambhir fuming. According to various news reports, Gambhir expressed his frustration in the dressing room after the recent loss, allegedly shouting, "Bahut ho gaya" (I've had enough!). Meanwhile, Irfan Pathan, currently serving as a commentator for the series, seems to have shared a cryptic response to the situation through social media.
According to a report by the Indian Express, while Gambhir didn't mention specific names, his speech seemed to focus on players prioritising their "natural game" over adapting to the situation.?
Since taking over as coach on July 9, Gambhir reportedly stated that he had allowed the team to operate freely for the past six months but would now take charge of deciding their approach.?
He also subtly warned players that anyone not adhering to the team's planned strategy moving forward would be shown the door with a "thank you."
Irfan Pathan has now weighed in on the controversy.?
Taking to X, he wrote, "What happens in the dressing room, should stay in the dressing room!"
The 40-year-old former Indian cricketer had recently gone viral for slamming the Australian media after they compared Virat Kohli to a clown.?
The comparison followed an on-field incident where Kohli was accused of intentionally bumping into Australian cricketer Sam Konstas.?
Pathan had then called out the double standards, stating, "First of all, the newspapers and even some ex-cricketers here are showing heights of double standards. One moment you are hailing a man as king, and the very next moment, when he shows some aggression on the field, you are going to call him a joker?"
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