Varun Dhawan recently appeared on the 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 16 game show. The actor, preparing to unleash his web comedy 'Citadel: Honey Bunny', attended the presentation on Wednesday with directors Raj and DK. Amitabh Bachchan asked Varun Dhawan and DK during the episode, "Which actress tragically passed away in a plane crash along with her husband, Maharaja Hanwant Singh of Jodhpur?"?
The choices were: "Sulochana, Mumtaz, Nadira, and Zubeida." This question perplexed the pair for a time, eventually forcing them to utilize two of their lifelines. "Zubeida," the pair replied after calling Sita Menon, the author of 'Honey Bunny'.
Following this, Bachchan recounted the backstory. "The King met his doom while campaigning for the first elections in independent India. Meanwhile, Zubeida was an actress who appeared in the first Indian Talkie film, Alam Ara. Later, her life inspired the film Zubeida. Mr Dhawan responded, "I believe Karima Kapoor worked on it."?
Bachchan then said, "It also starred Manoj Bajpayee."However, following the presentation, some social media users pointed out that Hanwant Singh's wife Zubeida is not the same as actress Zubeida.?
This error also drew the notice of Zubeida's son, Khalid Mohammed, who criticized the TV show's producers.
"Kaunbanegacrorepati.... Whoever calls the shots may I request for a clarification on KBC. Zubeida (Dhanragir) was renowned actress who featured in Alam Ara. Not my maa Zubeida, did wish to act, wasn't permitted by her strict father. How cld your research team make such a gaffe?" he wrote.
Another user also pointed out the same with a back story.?
Also read:?Amitabh Bachchan Breaks Down On Camera As Kaun Banega Crorepati 15 Ends, Fans Say 'Miss You'
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