and Zepto recently grabbed headlines with their clever billboard collaboration featuring the witty taglines ¡®Manyavar chahiye¡¯ and ¡®var chahiye.¡¯ The playful exchange caught plenty of attention on the streets, but it didn¡¯t stop there.¡¯s founder, Anupam Mittal, took the banter online, engaging in a light-hearted back-and-forth with Zepto¡¯s lesser-known co-founder on LinkedIn, adding a personal touch to the viral campaign. founder Anupam Mittal playfully tagged Zepto¡¯s 22-year-old co-founder Aadit Palicha on LinkedIn, teasing him with the question: "Vadhu chahiye?" (Want a bride?).?
Palicha, replied that he was "married to his company."
Mittal, not missing a beat, jokingly asked him why he was "inviting trouble," to which Palicha suggested they move the conversation offline since his mom was on LinkedIn.
The playful exchange was sparked by a collaborative ad campaign.?
Zepto¡¯s ad, which also featured Manyavar¡¯s wedding wear branding, read: "Manyavar chahiye?" (Want Manyavar?), promoting their quick delivery service for ethnic wear in 10 minutes.
Next to it,¡¯s creative made a witty response: "Var chahiye? Will take more than 10 minutes."
While founder Anupam Mittal often grabs the spotlight, his counterpart Aadit Palicha, the co-founder of Zepto, remains a relatively lesser-known figure.?
Born in Mumbai, Palicha¡¯s entrepreneurial journey began at just 17 years old.?
In 2021, alongside his co-founder Kaivalya Vohra, Palicha launched Zepto, a quick-commerce platform offering rapid delivery of groceries, fruits, vegetables, electronics, and more¡ªwithin minutes.
Palicha and Vohra, both former Stanford University students, dropped out of college to pursue their vision of a ten-minute delivery startup, which has now grown into a $5 billion business.?
Palicha's impressive entrepreneurial journey earned him a spot on the Hurun India Rich List 2023, where he was named the second youngest entrepreneur, with a net worth of Rs 4,300 crore.
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