Chennai reported waterlogging on Sunday morning after the city received heavy rainfall. Parts of Tamil Nadu's capital recorded heavy rainfall on Saturday and the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted more rains in the coming days.?
IMD said, ¡°A cyclonic circulation lies over Southeast Bay of Bengal & adjoining equatorial Indian ocean off Sumatra Coast and extends upto 3.1 km above mean sea level. Under its influence, a low-pressure area is likely to form over Southeast Bay of Bengal and neighbourhood around 9th November."?
Heavy rainfall was reported in parts like Koratur, Perambur, Anna Salai, T Nagar, Guindy, Adyar, Perungudi and OMR.?
The city recorded rainfall of 207 mm on Sunday morning.?Tamil Nadu Weatherman Pradeep John said that this is the heaviest rainfall recorded since December 2015.
¡°Official readings are out, 226 mm in Mylapore, 205 mm in Ambattur, Sivappu Sambahavam in Chennai. Meanwhile, it is also the highest 24 rainfall in Nungambakkam since 2015 and it also crossed 200 mm now at 207 mm,¡± Pradeep John tweeted.
People took to social media to 'flood' timelines with their memes as well images and videos regarding the city's conditions.?
The extreme weather conditions have forced state authorities to shut down schools on Tuesday and Wednesday.?
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