A lady on X claimed she got paid almost ?4 lakh for working on a client's assignment for only three hours. Shweta Kukreja, an X user, shared a screenshot of ?4.4 lakh getting deposited to her bank account. She stated that seeing the money made her labour more fulfilling and worthwhile.?
"I got paid INR 4,40,000 approx. ($5,200) from ONE client this month. And spent ONLY 3 hours working on his social media strategy. Days like these make the work more satisfying and make it all worth it," she wrote.
Kukreja stated that the charge for her job is based on her skill rather than the number of hours it took to complete.She went on to say that it needed "years of experience in the social media niche" to complete the client's social media strategy, which she claims would help them grow their personal brand.The post received a rush of responses asking for the type of service she specializes in, while others were astounded by the high price she charged for it.??
The post, which had over 770,000 views, rapidly went viral on social media and piqued the interest of several users who were surprised to find the Kukreja was paid so much for only three hours of work.Many people were fascinated by her job and expertise.
Also read:?Cryonics Company Gets First Client For Freezing, Hoping Him To Bring Back To Life In Future
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