Actor Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora were spotted together at Lilavati Hospital, where actor Saif Ali Khan was admitted after being attacked at his own apartment during an attempted burglary. As soon as the video of the long-dating couple, who have now parted ways, surfaced over the internet, it started taking rounds on social media.?
The duo, who have shared a long-standing relationship, have now announced they are separated, but despite this, they continue to be spotted at various events and outings.?
In the viral video from outside the hospital, Malaika Arora is seen stepping out and getting into her car, along with Arjun Kapoor, who is seen following closely behind.?
After spotting Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor outside Lilavati Hospital together, fans raise questions on their current relationship status. One user commented on a viral video, "But it was reported earlier that they have officially broken up (reported last year as well), and that Malaika is with someone new ...?" The user questioned, What's the deal??
Well, in December 2024, Arjun Kapoor, at a promotional event for his film, admitted that he is single. Not only that, but actress Malaika Arora also broke her silence on the matter and revealed, in a public post, that she is also single.
But now, when the couple is being spotted together, they have confused their fans.?
On January 16, actor Saif Ali Khan survived a major attack at his Bandra apartment by an intruder during an attempted burglary; this chain of events led to a knife attack on the actor.?
The actor sustained six major injuries and is now out of danger. The incident shook the entire entertainment industry, and on Thursday, Karan Johar, Amrita Arora, Sanjay Dutt, and other Bollywood celebs arrived to check on the actor¡¯s well-being.?
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