Mafalda, a 60-year-old Argentine comic strip by Quino, is the satirical story of a socially conscious six-year-old girl who represents the Argentine middle class and its progressive youth and will present at the International Emmy Awards 2024. The comic strip lasted from 1964 to 1973 and was extremely popular in Latin America, Europe, Quebec, and Asia, showing both innocence and seriousness about global issues. It was praised as a superb satire, inspiring books and animated adaptations.
The comic debuted on September 29, 1964, and followed a six-year-old girl and her parents. Quino gradually introduced characters like Felipe, Manolito, Susanita, Miguelito, and her brother Guille.?
The strip was originally published in El Mundo in 1965 but was discontinued in 1967. It was later reintroduced in Siete D¨ªas Ilustrados in 1968. It ran for the last time on June 25, 1973.?
Siam Di Tella designed Mafalda in 1963 as a disguised commercial for their "Mansfield" products. All of the characters were to use the products, and their names began with "M". The strip was named after a character from the 1962 Argentine film Dar la Cara.
DC aficionados may have noted that a Mafalda keychain appeared briefly in James Gunn's Suicide Squad Movie and Peacemaker Series in 2021.?
In The Suicide Squad (2021), a character has a figure of Mafalda on a keychain. Mafalda is an Argentinian comic strip about a six-year-old girl of the same name, who is concerned about humanity and world peace, and has an innocent but serious attitude toward problems.
byu/Numerous-Lemon inMovieDetails
In 2024, Netflix announced a new animated Mafalda series directed by Juan Jos¨¦ Campanella. The legendary comic strip is 60 years old. She is a presenter in the International Emmy Kids category.
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