The recent downpours in Bengaluru have brought the city to its knees. Residents suffered for days as roads were inundated, rainwater entered homes, flights were diverted, buses and other vehicles broke down, schools were shut and boats were pressed into service.?
The situation was so dire that waterlogging was witnessed even in the basements of many buildings. Due to this, several cars were left submerged leading to excessive water damage. However, making matters worse for car owners are some service centres that are asking for?extortionate repair charges.?
A car owner has said that a service centre handed out an estimate of Rs 22 lakh to repair a Volkswagen Polo hatchback that cost him Rs 11 lakh.
Taking to LinkedIn, Anirudh Ganesh shared his ordeal. He said his VW Polo got damaged in the recent flooding in Bengaluru. His vehicle got wholly submerged in flood waters and he sent the vehicle to Volkswagen Apple Auto in Whitefield.?
"I had to push my car onto a towing truck in waist-deep water at 11 pm. No one to help but we middle-class people are tough. Karlete hai kisi tarah,' he wrote in his LinkedIn post.?
However, the nightmare was far from over for him. After 20? days, the service centre gave him a repair estimate of Rs 22 lakh. No, we aren't kidding.?
Acko, his car's insurer told him?that the car would be written off as a total loss and they would collect the car. However, the service centre asked him to pay Rs 44,840 to collect his vehicle from them. This fee was required to issue documents about the damage the car has suffered.?
"I go to the showroom to collect what is legally my non-functional car and am told to pay a sum of Rs.44,840 as estimation charges (standard industry practice is Rs.5,000) and cannot take my car out," he wrote.?
"'Rs.44,840' to make a document for a car which costs only Rs.600,000 now. Wow," he said.?
"I have called?Volkswagen India, mailed them too and was told I would get a response in 48 hours. Alas. No response there too. Requesting help from the community to get this wider reach so that I may get my car and insurance money back and correct these vulture like practises," he added.?
The post has gone viral and garnered hundreds of comments.?
"How can you charge an estimation fee? I mean how can I decide if I want to go ahead or not without estimate? And isn¡¯t it something you are doing for your business???" a user asked.?
"This is absolutely not acceptable. Speaks in volume about the company so called customer centric approach," another user added.?
Anirudh has since provided an update and said the charges were revised from the earlier?Rs.44,840 to Rs 5,000.?
"Volkswagen India?team (Mr.Sumanth and Ms.Poonam) have spoken and said that prices in such scenario will be set to upper limit of Rs.5000 for estimation/storage for car owners in total loss cases. I hope this information helps everyone," Anirudh said.?
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