Indian cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife Dhanashree Verma have been facing divorce rumours for a while now but the speculations were recently reintensified after Chahal removed all their wedding posts. The couple, who tied the knot in December 2020, also unfollowed each other on social media. Amid the mounting rumours, Chahal has posted a cryptic Instagram note about the 'character of people', which has caught eyeballs on social media.?
Recently, Chahal posted a cryptic Instagram story, reigniting the chatter about his marriage troubles with Dhanashree Verma. Although he didn't directly address the rumours, the post has led many to run their imaginations wild and wonder what's really going on between the couple.
"Hard work spotlights the character of people. You know your journey. You know your pain. You know what all you have done to reach here. The world knows. You stand tall. You have worked with all your sweat to make your father and your mother proud. Keep standing tall like a proud son always," Chahal's Instagram story read.
Rumours of a split between Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife Dhanashree Verma have the internet talking. Chahal has removed all photos with Dhanashree from his Instagram account, sparking speculation about a potential divorce. However, Dhanashree still has pictures of Chahal on her social media, leaving fans confused.?
According to some reports, sources close to Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma have stated that 'divorce is inevitable' due to irreconcilable differences between the couple.
Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma got engaged on August 8, 2020, and tied the knot in a private ceremony the same year on December 22, in Gurgaon. Their marriage was a low-key affair owing to restrictions posed by the Covid-19 pandemic at that time.?
Dhanashree had been posting supportive messages for Yuzvendra Chahal on social media despite the rumours of a split, but their recent social media activities, including unfollowing each other on social media, suggest that they may be heading towards separation.