12 June 2023
- Bhupinder Singh
Image Courtesy: Brightside
Nothing plays with our minds quite like optical illusions and brainteasers do.
Image Courtesy: Unsplash
Optical illusions make us see or believe certain things that are not real. Or in case of this puzzle, leave us clueless.
Image Courtesy: Unsplash
There are numerous types of optical illusions like physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions.
Image Courtesy: Unsplash
One such Optical Illusion can be seen in a picture where a odd couple is hiding among the 165 couples.
Image Courtesy: Brightside
You have 5 seconds to spot the odd couple among the 165 couples.
Image Courtesy: Unsplash
Only 3% were able to spot the odd couple in a given time.
Image Courtesy: Pixabay
Only people with eagle eyes can spot the odd couple.
Image Courtesy: Unsplash
Hurry up! time is running. TickĄTockĄTickĄ
Image Courtesy: Unsplash
If you are able to find the odd couple in a given time then you have good IQ skills. If not then don't worry here we have highlighted the answer.
Image Courtesy: Brightside
Share this funny optical illusion with your friends and family to test their IQ skills.
Image Courtesy: Freepik