WHO Unveils Its First Essential Diagnostic Test List To Prevent Diseases And Premature Deaths
No one should suffer or die because of lack of diagnostic services or because the right tests were not available.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) in a first released an ¡®essential diagnosis list¡¯, which is primarily a catalogue created with the aim of providing a useful reference guide for countries developing their own lists.
The list can effectively diagnose for the most common conditions as well as diseases that need to be diagnosed for on priority.
The WHO took this step to address the problem of people's inability to access diagnostic services, thus failing to receive the correct treatment.
"An accurate diagnosis is the first step to getting effective treatment. No one should suffer or die because of lack of diagnostic services, or because the right tests were not available, said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.
An estimated 46 per cent of adults with Type 2 diabetes worldwide are undiagnosed, risking serious health complications and higher health costs, said a statement by the world health body. Also, a late diagnosis of infectious diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis increases their risk of spreading making them difficult and sometimes impossible to treat at a later stage.
The essential diagnostics list consists of a total of 113 tests, with concentration on in vitro tests like tests of blood and urine.
58 tests are listed for detection and diagnosis of a wide range of common conditions, thus providing an essential package that can form the basis for screening and management of patients.
The remaining 55 tests are designed for the detection, diagnosis and monitoring of 'priority' diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis B and C, human papillomavirus and syphilis, the statement said.
Some of the tests are particularly suitable for primary health care facilities, where laboratory services are often poorly resourced and sometimes non-existent.
For each category of test, the Essential Diagnostics List specifies the type of test and intended use, format, and if appropriate for primary health care or for health facilities with laboratories.
"Our aim is to provide a tool that can be useful to all countries, to test and treat better, but also to use health funds more efficiently by concentrating on the truly essential tests, said Maringela Simo, WHO Assistant Director-General for Access to Medicines, Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals.
The list is similar to the WHO essential medicines list that has been used for decades is intended also to serve as a reference for countries to develop or upgrade their own list of essential diagnostics.
The list is bound to expand significantly over the next few years, as it incorporates other important areas, including antimicrobial resistance, emerging pathogens, neglected tropical diseases and additional noncommunicable diseases, the statement added.
For more info check out WHO's website for their essential medicine and diagnostics lists.